Air cooled heat exchangers
We build and service air cooled heat exchangers. The air cooled heat exchanger (ACHE) typically consists of an element (bundle) of finned heat exchange tubes over which ambient air is forced or induced by axial fan(s) thereby transferring heat between the fluid within the tubes and the external air. Standard ACHE configuration is a horizontal bundle with fans positioned on top or below, however some applications may require a V Pack arrangement or a custom configuration.
Finding the right finned tube types
Various finned tube types are available, including our own design.
Due to the variety of applications and operating conditions we recognise the requirement to procure tubes from a number of tube manufacturers, as no single tube type/material is ideally suited to all applications. What never changes is the necessity for a very high standard of welding coupled with knowledge and experience of construction techniques.
Our ACHEs are typically classed as pressure vessels with the design being registered with the statutory authority (Worksafe) and construction to AS 1210, ASME VIII and API 661.
From your inquiry Allied Heat Transfer applies the best thermal and mechanical designs with the most suitable heat exchange tubes and materials. This combined with our high standard of welding and construction techniques produces the best air cooled heat exchanger for your application.
Allied Heat Transfer delivers tailor-made cooling solutions that can improve efficiency, reduce energy consumption, and meet your diverse needs. We also carry and test all brand names of tubes, which means we can not only customize your equipment but also procure the best products possible for your requirements.