Simon England, takes Matthew O’Sullivan on a tour of one of our Canning Vale Workshops.
AHT have received further backing by the Federal Government through the Manufacturing Modernisation Fund (MMF).
The fund gives support to Australia manufacturing business to modernise facilities with the view of creating jobs and enhancing the value of Australia made products within Australia and Overseas.

AHT Director of Engineering speaks with Federal Senator Matthew O’Sullivan on how to build efficiencies and support local jobs in the Australian Manufacturing sector.
Australian Federal Senator, Mathew O’Sullivan commented, “Allied Heat Transfer have just received almost $100,000 from the Commonwealth Government’s Modernising Manufacturing Fund to build greater efficiencies into their production processes. This means they’ll be more competitive as a global exporter, be able to grow their business and support local jobs.”
AHT General Manager, Peter Constantine added, “The grant allows us to modernise certain facilities so we can continue to upskill our current workforce as well as create new job opportunities within the sector. It means that we can become more competitive on a global scale.”
Minister for Industry, Science and Technology Karen Andrews, said the job-creating investments couldn’t come at a better time, as the manufacturing sector grapples with COVID-19.
Read the full press release below.
PRESS RELEASEBacking Aussie manufacturers to modernise30 April 2020The Morrison Government is backing Australian manufacturers to modernise how they do business, with critical investment in small and medium sized businesses in the face of the coronavirus pandemic. 200 projects worth more than $215 million dollars are being supported through the Manufacturing Modernisation Fund (MMF). The Federal Government is contributing $48.3 million. Minister for Industry, Science and Technology Karen Andrews said the job-creating investments could not come at a better time, as the manufacturing sector grapples with COVID-19. “The Federal Government is committed to helping Australian manufacturers prepare for the future and to employ more Australians. More than 2,600 new jobs are expected to be created by these successful projects,” Minister Andrews said. “We established the MMF before the coronavirus pandemic to help small and medium sized manufacturers invest in capital equipment and new technologies to transform and upgrade their manufacturing operations. “Now as we face the coronavirus pandemic and look to come out the other side stronger, this investment will be more critical than ever. “I am determined to further strengthen Australian manufacturing and the current pandemic gives us the opportunity as a nation to reassess and commit to the values of Australian-made goods.” These merit-based grants are divided between large-and small-scale projects and are the first to be allocated under the fund. Grants totalling $35 million will go to 59 companies for large scale projects worth over $177 million. A further $13.3 million in grants will go to 141 small scale projects worth over $38 million. Companies to receive large scale project grants include Robern Menz for the establishment of a new production line that will bring back the iconic Aussie chocolate the Polly Waffle. The more than $5 million project is expected to create 38 jobs in South Australia. The small-scale projects include Violet Light Pty Ltd which is revolutionising the brewing process. The MMF builds on other Federal Government investments in manufacturing growth and competitiveness, including the $100 million Advanced Manufacturing Fund, the Advanced Manufacturing Growth Centre, the Entrepreneurs’ Programme, and the $200 million Innovative Manufacturing Cooperative Research Centre. For more information on the Manufacturing Modernisation Fund visit www.business.gov.au/MMF |